Therefore, I've landed in somewhat of a rut here in my sewing studio. I feel that before I get any more projects started, I need to finish this bag I'm working on currently, which is taking me altogether too much time. I have such a disaster in this small space that I really can't function well enough to sew at this point. My desk is littered with fabric, coffee cups, stray pins, books, half-finished projects, and pattern pieces. I can't really walk through the area without tripping over something. It's not terribly conducive to the creative process. In those rare moments when the children allow me to work, I really just can't. So for the next few days I am holding myself accountable for making my space something that is functional again. I think I also might need to get more sleep. Miles wakes at night still, which isn't a big deal, but add that to the fact that he gets up for the day anywhere from 4:30 to 6am, and suddenly my 11pm bedtime isn't the best idea. There is only so much that a pot of coffee can do for you. Let me direct your attention to exhibit A, in which, due to my exhaustion, I made several errors while sewing the aforementioned unfinished bag. I finally took a picture of the THIRD "unsewing" task that I had to take on that afternoon.

Moving on, I did get some of the fabric for Miles's birthday bunting in the mail on Friday. I think it's just so bright and fresh. I have a few more coordinates in mind now that I've seen these in person.

I am really hoping this week brings some more renewing energy into my home and mind and gives me a fresh outlook and a clean space to work with. As always, you'll probably be the first to know.
1 comment:
I love the material for Miles bunting. I think it is going to be very bright and colorful, just like Miles.
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